The Ques are having a party at the frat house at Amgis College. DEXTER is there with TRINA's cousin TRACINA who has just confronted PJ.
PJ - Dexter, what's up with your sister man?
DEXTER - What you mean?
PJ - She came by to see me and told me that she's leaving Ahpla.
DEXTER - What!
PJ - You didn't know?
DEXTER - Hell no I didn't know! What she leavin' Ahpla for?
PJ - She said she was transferring to...
TRACINA - Oh hell no! Helllllllllll no! What the fuck? I leave you for one motherfuckin' minute and this bitch think she can slide up and talk to my man! Dexter who is this bitch!
(Everyone in the party turns around and looks at TRACINA and TRINA. DEXTER is in shock.)
TRACINA - Fuck that shit bitch! You aint gonna come up and...
(PJ punches TRACINA in the mouth. Both DEXTER and RONNIE jump back as TRACINA drops both drinks and grabs her mouth.)
PJ - Nobody calls me a bitch!
DEXTER thinks - Oh shit!
(TRACINA lunges at PJ but RONNIE grabs her and pulls her away. DEXTER grabs TRINA who is coming next.)
TRINA - Get off me Dexter! You gonna hit my cousin! You gonna hit my cousin! PJ its on now! Don't let me see you on the yard!
(DEXTER is moving TRINA away.)
PJ - Oh I'm so scared.
TRACINA - Get the fuck off me! I'm gonna kill that bitch!
RONNIE - Hey hey! Calm down alright! This aint the time and place for that shit!
TRACINA - But she stole me in my face!
RONNIE - You called her a bitch and she's a friend of ours! Now calm down!
(TRACINA shuts up but she is steaming. RONNIE lets go of her as DEXTER comes up with TRINA.)
TRINA - Oooooh, its on now! Wait til I see PJ's ass again! She don't know who she foolin' with! I'm gonna...
RONNIE - You aint gonna do shit alright! We squashin' this whole thing right now!
TRINA - What?
RONNIE - You heard me! This aint goin' no further.
TRINA - But she punched my cousin! Nobody disrespects us like that!
TRACINA - Fuck no they don't! Shit!
(TRACINA is checking her lip to see if its bleeding.)
RONNIE - Your ghetto ass cousin just walks up and starts calling our friend out her name without even asking us who she was!
TRINA - Who you callin' ghetto?
TRACINA - Yeah motherfucker... who the fuck you callin' fuckin' ghetto and shit!
RONNIE - Need I say more?
TRINA - Well if you got a problem with me and my family why didn't you just say so?
RONNIE - Because I don't have a problem with you and your family!
DEXTER - Hey guys, let's just...
TRINA - Yes you do! You callin' us ghetto and shit! Fuck you!
RONNIE - Fuck you!
DEXTER - Hey guys!
TRINA - Come on Trina! Let's be out! Ronnie, we're through!
CANDACE has come to visit CARYN and talk about a few things with her. CARYN has just walked out.
CARYN - Candace?
(CANDACE looks up as CARYN is walking toward her.)
CANDACE thinks - Stay calm! Stay calm! Stay calm!
CARYN - What you doin' here?
CANDACE thinks - If you stay calm and keep her calm, you can get what you came here to get!
CANDACE - Caryn I need to...
(There is a loud banging on the front door that startles everyone and the baby.)
KEN - Open up Caryn! I know you're lying ass is home and I'm bout to get to the bottom of this Nino lie once and for all!
LIL DERRICK - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
CANDACE thinks - Ken?
STEPH - Oh gosh! Come on lil man. Caryn I'll take him in the back.
LIL DERRICK - Mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
CARYN - It's okay Steph, I got him. Can you see who is at the door? I have no idea what this is about. Don't open it though.
(CARYN picks up her son. CANDACE is staring at the door.)
STEPH - Uh... who is it?
KEN - Caryn? Is that you?
STEPH - Uh... no. She's busy at the moment. Can I tell her who came by and give her a message?
KEN - This is Ken. I need to speak to Caryn.
(STEPH looks back at CARYN. She nods for STEPH to open the door.)
CANDACE thinks - Oh no!
(STEPH opens the door and KEN steps in. He looks past STEPH and sees CARYN holding the baby and CANDACE sitting on the floor.)
STEPH - Come in.
KEN - I need to talk to you.
(KEN is staring directly at CARYN.)
CARYN - What in the world do you need to talk to me about? You come banging on my door like a mad man. What the hell is wrong with you? Scaring me and...
(CARYN smirks.)
CARYN - ...and Nino's baby.
CANDACE thinks - Stay calm... stay calm... stay...
(KEN holds his next statement, then turns toward CANDACE.)
KEN - What are you doing here?
CANDACE - I guess we had the same intentions Ken. Talking to Caryn and getting to the bottom of this.
KEN - Well I'm glad you're here then. We can all sit down and get to the bottom of this lie.
(CARYN smiles as she passes LIL DERRICK to STEPH.)
CARYN - Steph, take him in the back. It's time for his nap anyway.
(The baby starts to cry and tries to stay with CARYN.)
STEPH - Come on Derrick, look look... I got your cars and trucks! See!
(He looks down and wipes his eyes. He takes his car from STEPH's hand.)
STEPH - Come on, let's go play.
(He stops crying and allows STEPH to take him. She carries him into the bedroom and closes the door. CANDACE gets off the floor where she was with the bab y and sits on the chair.)
CARYN - Now...
(CARYN sits down and crosses her legs. She folds her arms.)
CARYN - Let's get down to business, shall we? What the hell do yall want?
TRINA and RONNIE are arguing at the Que party.
TRINA - Come on Trina! Let's be out! Ronnie, we're through!
RONNIE - Fine! Be out!
DEXTER - Wait! Wait!
(TRINA and TRACINA start to walk away.)
DEXTER - Hey, don't leave like this.
RONNIE - Let em go Dex. Let em go.
(TRACINA turns around to DEXTER.)
TRACINA - It was a pleasure meeting you Dexter. I really had a great time tonight.
DEXTER thinks - Huh?
DEXTER - Uh... yeah Tracina. It was um, nice meeting you too.
TRACINA - Sorry things turned out the way that they did.
DEXTER - Yeah, everything happened so fast. I'm just like, what the hell?
TRACINA - Well don't worry about it. I'm glad we got a chance to meet and hang out. You're real cool.
DEXTER - Well thanks, you are real cool too.
(TRACINA flahses a cute smile and turns to walk away.)
DEXTER thinks - Damn, now she gets unghetto!
(DEXTER walks back over to RONNIE.)
DEXTER - Man, what you say all that for?
RONNIE - Later for her man! I aint trippin'.
DEXTER - That's your girl! You gonna let her leave like this?
RONNIE - Hell yeah! Her and her ghetto ass cousin! You know her ass is ghetto!
DEXTER - Yeah but damn man. She was kinda cool.
RONNIE - Whatever Dexter. Her ass is ghetto and the only reason Trina aint as ghetto as her is because she got into college and has been hanging with me.
DEXTER - Hanging with you?
RONNIE - Yeah, hanging with me.
(DEXTER starts to laugh.)
DEXTER - Ha ha ha, yeah okay man!
(RONNIE laughs too.)
DEXTER - All I know is, ghetto or not, that was your girl and her cousin is a nice person. I aint got no beef with them. Tracina is a little rough around the edges, but overall I think she is real cool.
(TRACINA pulls out her cell phone and dials as she steps outside of the Que house with TRINA.)
BULLET - Hello?
TRACINA - Yo Bullet this is Seena. I got some fuckin' niggas I need you to take care of, hold on while I give you this motherfuckin' address!
The Alphas are having a meeting.
BOBBY - Okay bros, what's up.
LARRY - What's up big player player!
(Everyone laughs.)
BOBBY - Uh yeah. Aight, I call this meeting to order. We all know what we are here for. We got three guys to talk about.
QUINTON - Yeah, so let's get to it.
REGGIE - It's crazy. It seems like we were just here last year talking about you three. Time flies.
JASON - I guess.
QUINTON - But a lot has happened in the course of a year. Losing Nino was big.
JASON - Yeah, but I think the chapter is going in a good direction and he is proud of us. Looking down on us.
QUINTON - Most definitely.
BOBBY - Yeah.
REGGIE - Well I know one thing, I hope you guys are ready to handle this. Taking a line is no joke. There is a lot involved in it and I know I don't have the time I did last year. I'm graduating ya know.
JASON - Dean, we know. You keep reminding us!
(Everyone laughs.)
REGGIE - Ha ha ha, I'm just sayin'.
BOBBY - I think Jason is ready to handle it.
JASON - Yeah, I'm ready. I put together a great program for these guys, thanks to input from my dean and Quinton. Thanks bros.
REGGIE - No problem.
BOBBY - Good, I trust we won't have any obstacles or hiccups in trying to bring these boys in. So let's get started. Jason...
(JASON gets up and has some papers in his hand.)
JASON - Okay bros. Here's the deal.
(BOBBY sits down and pays attention.)
JASON - We weren't sure about Frank. His grades were a little low but he was able to get that one grade changed.
LARRY- He was? I didn't think he was gonna be able to do it.
JASON - Yeah, he worked hard and got it done. He wants this real bad. He got it done so he is now eligible.
QUINTON - Okay good.
JASON - But I actually don't wanna start talking about him. I want to start with Martin and we can get back to Frank last.
(Everyone agrees.)
BOBBY - Is there even any reason to discuss Martin?
JASON - I hear ya, just to let you know. He is an honor roll student and on the track team. His gpa is like three eight or something real high and his dad is frat.
REGGIE - Really? His dad is frat? I didn't know that.
JASON - Yeah. He's a good guy. Great grades and he even volunteers a lot in the community.
REGGIE - Is he doing his volunteering to impress us?
JASON - Nope, I checked up on it. He is with a program from back in his home town that has a local center here by campus. So he just extended his work with them. He's been working with them since when he first started high school.
BOBBY - Good shit.
JASON - Like I said, he's a good brother and would be a great addition to the chapter.
BOBBY - Well say no more nigga, let's vote.
JASON - Cool. All in favor of Martin...
(Everyone raises their hand... except LARRY.)
JASON - Uh... all opposed...
(LARRY raises bot hands.)
JASON - What the hell?
LARRY - Nobody gets in unanimous. Just gotta prove a point.
(Everyone laughs.)
JASON - Stupid.
(JASON writes something down on the paper he is holding.)
JASON - Okay, Max is next.
BOBBY - Hell no! Max aint comin' up in this chapter! I vote no!
KEN sits down, facing both CARYN and CANDACE.
CARYN - What the hell do yall want?
KEN - What! I want to...
CANDACE - Caryn, I need to find out a few things from you.
(CANDACE thinks its best if she controls the conversation.)
CANDACE - Think about it Caryn, if you were me. I was engaged to Nino. We were getting married. And now I find out...
CANDACE thinks - ...calm, stay calm... stay calm...
CANDACE - I find out that he cheated on me and has a son.
KEN - I still don't believe it. Nino was my brother and I knew him like the back of my hand. He would never cheat on you Candace. He worshipped the ground you walked on.
CARYN - I don't know where you get this idea that Nino is some angel. I mean, he was a nice guy but men are dogs. You don't know that?
KEN - That is bullshit!
CANDACE - Ken, wait.
(CANDACE gets her composure.)
CANDACE - Just tell me how it happened Caryn.
KEN - But it didn't happen Candace, it just...
CANDACE - Ken! Chill please!
(KEN quiets down.)
CANDACE - Caryn, I know you and me got issues and we don't always get along. But please, please tell me how this all happened.
CARYN - Um... well... let me see...
(CARYN looks up as if she is trying to remember.)
CARYN - I think I met Nino and Bobby at the same time. We were on the yard and they had just finished stepping. I thought Bobby was cute but I thought Nino was real real cute.
(CARYN looks back at KEN.)
CARYN - Bobby started to try and holla. You know how he is. But Nino was real quiet. Like he was checking me out and didn't want me to know. That was way more of a turn on then anything that Bobby had to say.
(She pauses.)
CARYN - So even though I would return Bobby's calls and we started to fool around, it was Nino who intrigued me. It was Nino who fascinated me and it was Nino that I wanted to be with. That's how I started to mess around with Gregg.
CANDACE - Gregg?
CARYN - Because I wanted to see Nino. And from being in Nino's room, I met Gregg. And Gregg is real smooth, so one thing kind of led to another. But I never really wanted Gregg. I wanted Nino.
(CANDACE folds her hands and closes her eyes. She is taking deep breaths to remain calm.)
KEN - This is a lie and its some bullshit!
CANDACE - Ken...
KEN - But this is some...
CANDACE - Ken, she's not lying.
KEN - What!
CARYN thinks - I'm not?
CANDACE - Ken, look in his eyes. Look in his eyes.
KEN - Huh?
CANDACE - The baby Ken. I looked in his eyes. He has Nino's eyes. He has Nino's smile.
CANDACE - It's Nino's son. I thought...
(CANDACE pauses.)
CANDACE - ...I thought I wanted to find out how it happened. How an angel like Nino could've possibly cheated on me.
CANDACE - And now that I am hearing it...
(A tear slowly rolls down CANDACE's cheek.)
CANDACE - that I am hearing it... its just...
CANDACE - Caryn is right. You just can't trust men.
(CANDACE stands up.)
CANDACE - Thanks for talking to me Caryn. I gotta go.
KEN - But...
(CARYN walks toward the door. CARYN just sits there.)
KEN - All men aren't dogs...
(CANDACE opens the door with tears slowly falling from her face.)
CANDACE - Take care of his son Caryn.
(CANDACE walks out and KEN jumps up to follow her.)
KEN - Candace wait!
(CANDACE keeps walking toward her car.)
KEN - Candace!
(CANDACE stops walking and cries into her hands.)
KEN - Candace... listen. Don't believe that all men are dogs. I believe Nino was a good man. A great man. And I believe Derrick is a good man and I think he truly loves you.
CANDACE - Yeah. I know. I've moved on Ken. I've made peace with God for taking Nino from me. So its okay. I've had my closure and I'm not gonna reopen this wound anymore. I just had to hear it from Caryn.
CARYN - Candace!
(CANDACE and KEN turn around and see CARYN standing in her doorway.)
CARYN - Candace... wait...
The Alphas are voting on their new line.
JASON - Okay, Max is next.
BOBBY - Hell no! Max aint comin' up in this chapter! I vote no!
LARRY thinks - Oh shit!
QUINTON - Why? What's wrong with Max?
LARRY - Yeah, what's wrong with Max?
BOBBY - That nigga is shady. There's something about him that says shady all over it. Fo sho!
LARRY - Bros, maybe Bobby is right. I mean, I'm sure he can see shadiness in anybody. Shady recongnizes shady right?
BOBBY - Shut up.
LARRY - Well stop being ridiculous. Of all people who shouldn't say anything about being shady, its you.
BOBBY - What!
LARRY - Come on bruh.
BOBBY - I'm serious as hell bros. I don't like this Max cat. I'm tellin' yall he's a shady bitch.
LARRY - No he isn't.
BOBBY - Yes he is.
LARRY - No he isn't.
BOBBY - Yes the hell he is.
LARRY - No he isn't.
JASON - Bros! Bros!
LARRY - Look, I know Max. I've spent a lot of time with him. Quality time. And I know he's good.
BOBBY - Yeah, but good at what?
(LARRY gives BOBBY a funny look.)
LARRY - He's a good guy. He's got the grades, and he has a passion about wanting to be an Alpha.
BOBBY - The last thing we need is shade up in the chapter.
LARRY - Why? It might overshadow your shade?
BOBBY - I'm bout to get tired of you calling me shady!
LARRY - Then do something...
(LARRY stands up.)
JASON - Yo! Hold up!
(QUINTON stands up between LARRY and BOBBY who has also stood up.)
JASON - Calm the hell down! We aint gonna be fighting up in this house over a nigga on the outside! What the hell is that?
(Everyone slowly sits down.)
QUINTON - Yall bout to come to blows over a dude on the other side of the fence?
JASON - Yeah what's goin' on?
LARRY - I just hate to see a good candidate get turned away on the strength of the shadiest person I know calling him shady.
BOBBY - And I hate to see some sneaky ass nigga up in my chapter meeting and wearing my letters. Something about that dude don't sit right with me.
REGGIE - I mean, its okay to disagree. That's why this brotherhood is great. All we gotta do to decide though is vote. That's all.
BOBBY - True that.
JASON - Aight, any last statements?
BOBBY - Bros, don't vote along party lines. Don't vote for that nigga just because your line brother wants him. Think about the conversations you all have had with Max. Tell me you don't think he's a sneaky character!
(BOBBY stops.)
JASON - Larry...
LARRY - I've sat down with Max. You all have. He is a good guy. He would make a great Alpha. I'm willing to put my letters on the line for that dude. He is a positive Black man who wants to be here for all the right reasons and I know he will come through on his word.
JASON - Anybody else?
JASON - Aight. Let's get to it.
(JASON puts his papers down.)
JASON - All in favor of Max, raise their hand.
CARYN - Candace... wait...
CARYN - Come back.
(CANDACE turns around.)
CARYN - You forgot your bag.
(CARYN places CANDACE's bag on the ground and closes the door.)
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