Monday, December 31, 2007

Episode 20

DONNA walks into the library and starts to look around.

(She checks her watch.)

DONNA thinks - Oh, there!

(She smiles as she walks toward CANDACE who stands up to give her a hug.)


CANDACE - Hey, how you doin'?

DONNA - I am good. Good to see you.

CANDACE - You too. Glad you wanted to hook up.

DONNA - Yeah, thanks for meeting me.

CANDACE - Come on, let's go somewhere where we can talk.

DONNA - Okay.

(CANDACE grabs her things and they walk to a more secluded area.)

CANDACE - This should be fine.

DONNA - Yeah.

(They both sit down.)

CANDACE - So how you been?

DONNA - I been okay. How about you?

CANDACE - Cool cool, its just hard with Derrick being gone. Its like a long distance relationship.

DONNA - Oh yeah, thats true.

CANDACE - He travels so dog on much. But now he is off so we plan to spend a lot of quality time together.

DONNA - That's good. Quality time is important.

CANDACE - Yep. Speaking of which, this is our quality time so let's stop talking about boys and get into why we need to talk.

(DONNA smiles.)

DONNA - Okay.

CANDACE - I understand you met with some of my sorors recently and some of the feedback that I received disturbed me a little. I want to talk about that.

DONNA - Okay.

CANDACE - Donna, sometimes people have different attitudes that they bring to the organization. And that is actually what makes the sorority great. Different minds, different ideas, different ways of doing things. It allows creativity and thinking. But every now and then, someone kinda pushes the envelope and goes a bit far.

DONNA - Yeah.

CANDACE - What happened to you over at Amgis was uncalled for in my opinion. But that is behind the scenes and I will handle that behind the scenes. I have a lot to handle over there actually, but that's not the point. The point is, I don't want you to be discouraged in your pursuit of Sigma Gamma Rho by your encounter with my sorors.


CANDACE - Feel free to jump in whenever you want.

(CANDACE laughs.)

DONNA - Well, I understand what you're saying. I think. But to be honest Candace, that meeting that I had with Angelique did more than turn me off. It made me not even want to do this anymore.

CANDACE thinks - Dammit!

CANDACE - Really?

DONNA - Well yeah. Because the way I see it, if I complete this process, she, and from what you make it sound like, others like her will be my sorority sisters. And I don't even think I need to associate with people like that. I would never do that to anyone. The way she was trying to make me feel.

CANDACE - Tell me about that. How exactly did she make you feel?

(CANDACE tries to avert the subject from DONNA not participating.)

DONNA - Well...

(DONNA pauses.)

DONNA - ...well it felt like she was aiming her questions at trying to find out something about my past or my interaction with men.

CANDACE - Uh huh.

DONNA - And see the thing is, I keep that real personal. My social life is mine. Nobody else's business.

CANDACE - As well it should be.

DONNA - So I was just like, what the hell are you asking me this for? This aint got nothing to do with Sigma Gamma Rho sorority incorporated. So why the interrogation?

CANDACE - I understand.

DONNA - So I was just like, hell naw. If that's what this is about and what yall are about, then I'm not gonna waste my time.

CANDACE - I see.

DONNA - And that's how I felt about it when I was sitting there with her and that's how I feel about it sitting here with you. I really appreciate all you've done, but I don't think I'm interested any longer.


DENICE is in her ex boyfriend BRANDON's room. She has become very upset with him for supposedly dating someone else.

DENICE - Braaaaaandon... I love you, how can you do this to me!

(DENICE starts to cry harder and she bends over again.)

BRANDON- Hey look, are you okay? Maybe you should...

(BRANDON puts his hand on DENICE's shoulder. She pops up immediately.)

DENICE - Don't touch me! I hate you I hate you!

(DENICE starts to swing her fists widly at BRANDON.)


(BRANDON backs up and tries to block DENICE while shielding his face.)

BRANDON - Denice calm down! Calm down!

DENICE - I hate you! I hate your ass!

BRANDON - Denice stop!

(The door opens and BRENDON comes in.)

BRENDON - Hey Bran... hey!

(He runs in and tries to grab DENICE. She is swinging wildly at BRANDON who is still backing up and blocking her.)

BRENDON - D! Stop! Calm down!

(BRENDON throws his arms around DENICE and swings her around. He places himself between his brother and DENICE.)

BRENDON - Denice what the hell are you doing!

(DENICE doesn't answer but continues to cry. BRENDON turns around to BRANDON while holding DENICE's arms away.)

BRENDON - What happened man?

BRANDON - We were talking one minute and then... damn man I don't know.

DENICE - You know damn well! I can't believe you could do this and act like nothing's wrong!

BRANDON - I didn't do anything! Stop trippin'!

DENICE - Trippin'?

(She lunges at BRANDON again but BRENDON holds her back and starts to move her toward the door.)

BRENDON - Denice! Denice! Don't do this okay! Denice!

(DENICE takes her eyes off BRANDON and looks at BRENDON.)

BRENDON - Denice, this aint the time to handle this okay? Go on home. Matter fact, I'll walk you home if you want.

DENICE - No, no. I'm no basket case. I just can't believe your whack ass brother.

(BRANDON sighs as he sits down.)

BRANDON - Whatever man.

(DENICE wipes her eyes.)

BRENDON - You sure you don't need me to walk you home?

DENICE - No. I'm okay.

(She turns to walk out.)

DENICE - At least someone cares about me!

(DENICE stresses the word someone... loudly.)

BRANDON thinks - Lord!

(BRENDON opens the door for her.)

BRENDON - Look D, call me if you need me or something okay? I'm real sorry about the way Brandon is acting.

DENICE - Guess you didn't know he was an asshole huh?

(DENICE turns and walks away. BRENDON closes the door.)

BRENDON - What the hell is wrong with you man! Why you hurt that girl like that?

BRANDON - Hurt her? Aint nobody hurt Denice. I didn't do shit to Denice. She's the one that got all caught up in this, after she lied to me about us in the first place. Don't be playin' no violins now.

BRENDON - That's cold man, real cold.

(BRENDON walks into his room.)

BRANDON - Cold? No, I'll tell you what's cold!

(BRANDON gets up and follows BRENDON.)

BRANDON - What's cold is the fact that you started the KKPsi shit and didn't even tell me! I mean damn! But that just proves you know you wrong! You know you wrong for pursuing that shit without me so now you feel so damn guilty you didn't even say anything.

(BRENDON is looking in his closet for something and pays BRANDON no attention.)

BRANDON - That's the deal aint it! You aint even gonna deny it?

(BRENDON is digging through the closet.)


(BRENDON stops and turns around extremely frustrated.)

BRENDON - I didn't make line okay! Damn Brandon you happy now? I didn't make it!


DONNA just informed CANDACE that she is no longer interested in pursuing Sigma Gamma Rho sorority.

DONNA - I really appreciate all you've done, but I don't think I'm interested in your sorority any longer.

CANDACE - Let me say this to you Donna. One of the reasons I chose to talk to you and walk you through this process of getting to know sorors is because I like you and think that you're a quality person and good for our sorority.

(DONNA smiles.)

DONNA - Wow, thanks!

CANDACE - And I just want you to understand a few things before you make your final decision. First of all...

(DONNA's cell phone rings.)

DONNA - Oh excuse me.

CANDACE - Sure, go ahead.

(DONNA reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone and answers.)

DONNA - Hello?

AHMAD - Hey, its me.

DONNA - Oh hi babe, I'm in a meeting right now. Can I call you back?

AHMAD - Yeah sure. But wait, quick question. Are you still coming over because I got my frat brother here and he wanted to do something but I know we had plans.

DONNA - Well I was gonna come through but go ahead because my meeting now may take longer than expected.

AHMAD - Are you sure?

DONNA - Yeah. What I will do is call you when I am done here and we can play it by ear.

AHMAD - Okay thats a plan.

DONNA - So I'll talk to ya later.

AHMAD - Okay. Bye.

DONNA - Bye babe.

(They hang up.)

DONNA - Sorry about that.

CANDACE - No worries. So anyway, let me just say this. Sorors are gonna be sorors. And some people just have attitudes. Can't get around that.

DONNA - Right.

CANDACE - But the thing to remember is for you to be real and true to yourself. No matter what my sorors say or do, I'm still Candace at the end of the day. I have to answer to no one but God and myself.

DONNA - Uh huh.

CANDACE - So I can let people be themselves, good bad or indifferent. But I will choose to be and lead how I know in my heart I have to. And let that light shine for my sorority as well as for myself.

DONNA - I understand.

CANDACE - Donna, like I said. You're a good sister. Don't let one or two people influence or deter you from making a huge decision like this.

DONNA thinks - Good point.

CANDACE - If you do it or not, let it be your own decision, not based on Angie, anyone at Amgis or even me. Let it be for you.

DONNA - That's good sound advice.

CANDACE - And you don't even have to give me an answer right now. I'm not necessarily asking a question. You have to answer for yourself first and foremost.

DONNA - Right. Good advice again.

CANDACE - So at that I'll stop. I don't have to sell the sorority to you. The sorority speaks for itself. I just want you to understand people and the mechanics behind people. Ya know? Just understand people and how we relate to one another. That's all.

DONNA - That makes a lot of sense.

CANDACE - Yeah. So just like I don't have to sell the sorority to you, I don't have to sell you to the sorority. You know I have your back no matter what you decide. I don't have to go to my sorors and make this big pitch for Donna. If you decide to pursue, your character will speak for itself.

DONNA - Yeah.

CANDACE - And I think it will speak highly.


DONNA - Candace, you are so nice to me.

(CANDACE smiles.)

DONNA - You're a wonderful person, I swear.

CANDACE - Naw, I'm just down to earth Candie. That's all.

DONNA - No really. I mean, you took time out of your schedule to meet me and talk about this. I really appreciate your honesty and just your good nature.

CANDACE - You're welcome but you don't have to thank me.

DONNA - No, I do. Because everyone isn't as nice as you are. Its just good to finally meet a genuine person.


DONNA - Candace, I got something I need to tell you.

CANDACE - Sure Donna. What's up?

(DONNA inhales slowly and exhales heavily. She starts to frown.)

CANDACE - Listen, like I said, you don't have to tell me now if you don't want. You can think about your decision and get back to me if you want. Take your time.

DONNA - No, this isn't about that.

CANDACE - Oh. Well then what's up?

(DONNA pauses before she speaks.)

DONNA - This is about... you...


It's line picking time at Ahpla University!

ALPHAS - I got a feeling... I got a feeling brothers... I got a feeling, that somebody's trying to sneak in my frat... and there aint gonna be no shit like that... I got a...

MARTIN - Hey, hold on a second.

(MARTIN puts the phone down.)

MARTIN thinks - Is that... singing?

ALPHAS - I got a feeling brothers... I got a feeling...

MARTIN - Let me call you back.

(MARTIN hangs his phone up and slowly walks to his door. He listens.)

ALPHAS - ..trying to sneak in my frat...

MARTIN thinks - Oh shit!

(There is a knock on the door. MARTIN looks through the peephole but it is being covered.)

MARTIN thinks - Oh shit oh shit oh shit!

LEAH - What the hell is the matter with her?

SHARONDA - You know she was dating Brandon. Well they broke up and it got real ugly. She's hurt, that's all.

LEAH - Yeah but storming all out the meeting?

ASHLEY - Like you aint never been heart broken! Shut up! Oh Buck... but Buck... why Buck...

(Sorors laugh.)

LEAH - Okay okay you got me!

(TONYA walks back into the room.)

SALEEMA - Is she coming back?

TONYA - Probably. She went for a walk.

SALEEMA - Damn, should I wait for her to come back? I mean its time to vote.

SHARONDA - Naw come on! Let's get to it!

SALEEMA - Yeah, we kinda need to proceed.

TONYA - Go ahead. I don't know how long Denice is gonna be and I'm sure she'll understand. Its time to vote.


(SALEEMA shuffles her papers.)

SALEEMA - Alright sorors, here we go... you should all have the ballots that I passed out at the beginning of the meeting. Please take the one with Ada's name on it and fill it out.

(Everyone fills theirs out and SHARONDA collects them. She gives them to SALEEMA.)

SALEEMA - Thank you sorors.

(She starts to read through them and smiles.)

SALEEMA - Sorors, I am happy to announce that our first new candidate is Ada. She has been unanimously voted into Zeta Phi Beta sorority incorporated!

ALPHAS - I got a feeling... I got a feeling brothers... I got a feeling... that somebody's trying to sneak in my frat...

DOUG - Dude, is somebody singing outside?

(FRANK looks up from his notes and listens.)

ALPHAS - I got a feeling brothers...

FRANK - I think so!

(FRANK gets up as there is a knock on the door.)

FRANK - Its the brothers! What should I... I gotta call Martin! He'll know what to do!

(FRANK grabs the phone as there is another knock on the door.)

FRANK - Dammit!

DOUG - Hey man, sounds like they singing your song. You better answer the door.

(FRANK looks at his roommate DOUG, then back at the door. He pauses.)

ALPHAS - ..trying to sneak in my frat... and there aint gonna be no shit like that!

(FRANK reaches for the doorknob and opens the door.)

SALEEMA - Thanks.

TONYA - You're welcome, now hurry up! You taking too long to read em!

SALEEMA - Patience, patience!

(TONYA sits down after handing SALEEMA the ballots with LAUREL's name on it. SALEEMA counts.)

SALEEMA - Ladies, be prepared to welcome Laurel into our sisterhood, she has been selected for membership into Zeta Phi Beta sorority incorporated.

ASHLEY - Whew! Good!

LEAH - Z phi!

SHARONDA - Alright alright! Who's next!

SALEEMA - Rhonda, you know who's next.

(SHARONDA quickly stands to her feet.)

SHARONDA - Okay sorors, now don't trip! I'll beat yall down if I have to!

SALEEMA - Girl sit down!

SHARONDA - I'm just sayin'.

(Everyone laughs as they fill out the ballot for MIYA FERGUSON.)

SALEEMA - Ash, can you collect them please?

SHARONDA - No I'll get em.

SALEEMA - No! I don't want you sneaking a peek. Ashley can get them.


(ASHLEY laughs as she collects all the votes from her sorors. She gives them to SALEEMA.)

SALEEMA - Thank you.

(SALEEMA starts to count but doesn't smile, instead she has a weird look on her face.)


SHARONDA - What! What's wrong?

(SALEEMA looks up from the ballots and looks directly into SHARONDA's face.)


BRENDON just told BRANDON that he wasn't selected for KKPsi.


BRENDON - I wasn't selected. You happy now?

(BRENDON goes back to digging in his closet.)

BRANDON thinks - Damn.

BRANDON - Hey man, I'm sorry.

(BRENDON stands up again.)

BRENDON - No you're not! Two seconds ago you were mad cuz you thought I made it and didn't tell you! Now you're sorry? Shut the hell up Brandon.

BRANDON - Naw for real. I know you wanted it bad and I'm sorry you didn't make it.

BRENDON - You know what? You're full of crap okay! You aint sorry! You were pissed off for going out for KKPsi in the first place. So don't act like you sorry that I didn't make it. You're happy that I didn't make it, eventhough your reasons are selfish as hell!

BRANDON - Selfish?

BRENDON - You go on and make line for Sigma and its all good. But the minute I try and get some shine, all of a sudden its an issue.


BRENDON - But you don't mind parading around here in all your blue glory with your frat brothers after you know I got disappointed trying out for Kappa Alpha Psi!

BRANDON - Well what was I supposed to do? Not wear any paraphernalia?

BRENDON - Man you do you okay?

BRANDON - Look, I'll admit, I may not have been as sensitive as I should've been. That's my bad. But on the real, I'm sorry you didn't make line for KKPsi.

BRENDON - Whatever.

(BRENDON goes back to looking in his closet. He starts to throw things out.)

BRANDON - What are you looking for?

BRENDON - Nothing.

BRANDON - Maybe I have it somewhere.

BRENDON - You don't.

BRANDON - How do you know if you don't ask?


BRENDON - Bran, leave me alone. Don't try and make up now like you care okay? You don't lie well.

BRANDON - I'm not lying.

(BRENDON pays him no attention.)

BRANDON - Well... why the hell you wearing blue and gold sweats... like you're on line?

BRENDON - Because I'm bummy today you idiot!




BRENDON - I can't find... fuck it, forget it.

(BRENDON closes the closet. He doesn't put his things back in.)

BRANDON - Hey, where you going?

(BRENDON walks past BRANDON quickly as if he is leaving.)

BRANDON - Where you goin'?

BRENDON - What? You my guardian angel now?

(BRANDON grabs BRENDON's arm as he passes by.)

BRANDON - Look bro, I'm for real. I'm sorry for acting so selfish. I'm upset you didn't make line... again.

BRENDON - Yeah. Thanks.

BRANDON - Better luck next time.

BRENDON - Yeah. Look I gotta run. I'll catch up withcha later.


(BRENDON walks by and opens the door to leave.)

BRANDON - Oh, and thanks for taking care of Denice for me.

BRENDON - Yeah, no problem. Next time just..


BRENDON - Nevermind.

(BRENDON walks out and walks toward the elevator. He pulls his cell phone out and dials.)

KAI - What!

BRENDON - Big Brother Kai Kai Psi, this is Little Brother Sticks.

KAI - Yeah yeah, did you find the stuff Sticks?

BRENDON - No big brother, I looked all in my closet. I just don't have it.

KAI - Oh really? So you've failed yet another assignment! And you know the consequence of failure!

BRENDON - Yes Big Brother Kai Kai Psi!

KAI - Get back here!


ALPHAS - I got a feeling... I got a...

(JASON pulls both FRANK and MARTIN aside as the Alpha brothers approach MAX's door.)

JASON - Look guys, just be strong okay? I really don't know what you guys are in for tonight because when I pledged, I missed night one. But if you can just summon the strength through each other and through Max, you'll make it through. Just follow my lead and trust me okay?

FRANK - Yeah, okay sure. Thanks.

MARTIN - Yes. Thank you.

(JASON smiles then walks to rejoin his frat brothers at MAX's door.)

FRANK whispers - Man, I'm scared as shit! I almost pissed my pants when they came to my room.

MARTIN whispers - Just stay calm man. And don't trust Jason.

FRANK whispers - Don't trust him? Why not?

MARTIN whispers - My dad hipped me to this whole game. Never trust big brothers. They lie or do whatever just to get the most out of you.

FRANK whispers - Oh!

MARTIN whispers - Like good cop bad cop. The good cop tries to get the answers from the criminal by being nice. Same concept.

FRANK whispers - Gotcha.

ALPHAS - sneak in my frat... and it aint gonna be no shit like that...

MARTIN whispers - But honestly... I'm kinda scared too!

(ASHLEY laughs as she collects all the votes from her sorors. She gives them to SALEEMA.)

SALEEMA - Thank you.

(SALEEMA starts to count but doesn't smile, instead she has a weird look on her face.)


SHARONDA - What! What's wrong?

(SALEEMA looks up from the ballots and looks directly into SHARONDA's face.)

SALEEMA - You're on fiya for Miya?

(SALEEMA turns SHARONDA's ballot around to show all the sorors. SHARONDA filled her ballot out by writing, I'm on Fiya for Miya.)

SALEEMA - Can you be any more corny? The whole point of a ballot is so we won't know who... forget it.

SHARONDA - Sorry. Well you know I was gonna vote for her!

(SHARONDA laughs as does everyone else... except LEAH.)

SALEEMA - Okay sorors...

(SALEEMA pauses on purpose.)

SHARONDA - Oh come on already!

(SALEEMA laughs.)

SALEEMA - We have another candidate, young Miss Miya Ferguson will become a member of Zeta Ph...

SHARONDA - Yes! Yes! Yes!

SALEEMA - Uh yeah, you know the rest.

(Everyone laughs.)

SALEEMA - Last but not least, please fill out for Tammi.

(Everyone fills it out and passes it up through LEAH.)

LEAH thinks - Don't make it! Don't make it!

(SALEEMA counts.)

SALEEMA - Well sorors, looks like Tammi...

(She counts again to make sure.)

SALEEMA - ...yeah, like I thought. Tammi makes it by one vote.

ASHLEY - One vote?

LEAH- One vote!

SALEEMA - Yep, one vote! We are going to be bringing four new girls into our wonderful sorority ladies. Good luck to us all on this new joint venture!

ALPHAS - I got a feeling... I got a feeling brothers... I got a feeling... somebody's trying to sneak in my frat... and there aint gonna be no shit like that...

(JASON knocks on MAX's door again.)

QUINTON - Maybe he's not home.

BOBBY - His shady ass is in there! Move aside.

(BOBBY reaches into his pocket and pulls out his own keys. He then starts to fiddle with MAX's doorknob using one of his keys.)

LARRY - What are you doing?

BOBBY - Gettin' your boy.

LARRY - We shouldn't just barge in. That's not cool.

BOBBY - Shut up.

LARRY - No wait, this is mad shady... we can't just go up in a nigga's room.

BOBBY - I said shut up, I almost got it!

LARRY - But wait...

(BOBBY pops the door open.)

BOBBY - These dorm doors are the worst! Come on.

LARRY - No wait!

(The brothers start to walk in.)

ALPHAS - I got a feeling! I got a feeling brothers, I got a feeling! That some...

(Everyone pauses.)

BOBBY - Oh shit!

(The brothers see MAX who is snoring loudly laying beside TERRANCE who is sleeping... naked.)

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