The ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority are in a meeting and MONA has caused a sudden silence by her statement to KATRICE.
MONA - Uh yeah. I don't want to start no trouble or nothing... but I think I would be a lot better at this project than Katrice.
KATRICE - A lot better?
MONA - Well yeah. I get along with kids great.
KATRICE - So do I.
MONA - And I used to be a girl scout.
KATRICE - So was I. That's why I wanted to do this.
MONA - Well...
(MONA pauses.)
KATRICE - Well what?
MONA - ...well I don't like to kiss women. You do. That may be a bad influence on some of the younger girls in the group.
PJ - Oh hell no! That did it!
MONA - Aaaaaah!
(PJ gets up and tries to rush MONA.)
SYLVIA - Sorors!
(OCTAVIA tries to grab PJ as the door opens. Everyone stops immediately as someone walks in.)
MELINDA FERGUSON - Sorors? What's going on in here?
(MONA quickly slides out of her chair and hurries to stand behind her mother.)
MELINDA FERGUSON - I heard that the chapter was meeting right now and I came to share some good news from the graduate chapter. But I heard a comotion and a ruckus from way down the hall.
SYLVIA - Uh... Soror Ferguson, it was nothing. We were just... um...
PJ - Naw hold up! I'll tell you what we were just doing! It wasn't just nothing!
SYLVIA whispers loudly - PJ!
PJ - First of all, your daughter Mona shouldn't even be here! She's never been allowed into our chapter meetings and the one she comes to she causes a damn riot!
MONA - No I didn't!
PJ - She comes up in here like she aint been causing stress from day one, talking out of turn and then accusing one of the sorors of being a lesbian in the middle of the meeting! What the hell is this? I'm not gonna stand for this bull anymore! And if one of yall doesn't do something...
MELINDA FERGUSON - Hold on Presjina, now just hold on.
(SOROR FERGUSON turns to MONA who is standing behind her.)
MELINDA FERGUSON - Mona, are any of these things true?
MELINDA FERGUSON - Mona, answer me.
MONA - Mommy she started it because...
(MONA points to PJ.)
MONA - ...I came in to the soror meeting and she said I shouldn't be here!
MELINDA FERGUSON - Mona Ferguson, answer my question. Did you say the things that Presjina is saying that you said.
MONA - Well yes maam. But everybody knows that Katrice likes girls! That aint no secret!
APRIL - I didn't know that... you like girls Katrice?
MELINDA FERGUSON - Mona, whether anybody knows something like that or not, it isn't your place nor is this the setting to disclose that kind of information! What is wrong with you?
MONA - Well I didn't know!
(MONA's voice is very whiny now.)
MELINDA FERGUSON - Yes you did know! You know better than that! You were brought up better than that and I think you owe Katrice and these sorors an apology.
MONA - What! Oh heck no! I aint apologizing to none of them!
MELINDA FERGUSON - You will do whatever I say young lady! Now apologize to Katrice, PJ and the rest of this chapter right now or else!
THERESA is on the phone with one of her friends.
THERESA - You are lying lying lying! That's a bold face lie! Tell me you lying!
MATT - Nope, I aint lying.
THERESA - Wait, so explain this again because this was a believable story until you got to that part.
MATT - Like I said, dude tells me...
THERESA - No, tell it from the beginning.
MATT - What!
THERESA - I gotta get all the facts straight if I'm gonna retell it!
(MATT laughs.)
MATT - Whatever man. Like I said, I find out that I got selected for their line.
THERESA - Right. And are you sure about this?
MATT - Why would the person lie? They had nothing to gain by telling me that shit.
MATT - So I find myself trying to do whatever it is I gotta do to learn whatever or whatever they want.
THERESA - Right.
MATT - So like I said, I see Reggie on the yard so I figure, I can talk to the brother and find out.
THERESA - Right.
MATT - I go over there and he totally disses me!
THERESA - Right.
MATT - But that was a little understandable because the altercation breaks out. You know, with PJ.
THERESA - Right right. That's all over the Greek grapevine. But go ahead.
MATT - So Reggie makes me come up to his place with him. I'm thinking, okay this must be it.
THERESA - Right.
MATT - Nigga gets me up in the crib.
THERESA - Right.
MATT - Dude orders me to make him lunch.
MATT - Dude orders me to clean his kitchen.
THERESA - Oh my goodness!
MATT - But I'm like cool because if this is what you gotta do, then so be it. You know, gettin' my mind right and shit.
THERESA - Right right, smart move.
MATT - So after... and I stress after... I finish making this cat a sandwich, making up his bed, cleanin up his nasty ass kitchen...
(There is a knock on THERESA's door.)
THERESA - Damn, somebody is at my door. Hold on okay?
MATT - Yeah hurry up cuz I gotta go to practice.
THERESA - Okay okay! Dag!
(She drops the phone onto the bed and hurries into the other room to answer the door. She quickly opens it.)
WILLIE - Hey soror.
THERESA - Hey, come on in. I'll be right out, just on the phone.
WILLIE - Aight.
THERESA - You hungry? I just got some Chinese food and its in the kitchen if you want some.
WILLIE - Naw I'm good thanks.
(THERESA hurries back and grabs the phone.)
THERESA - Hello?
MATT - Yeah, yo I gotta go.
THERESA - No wait, tell me again!
MATT - I didn't realize it was so late. I gotta go to practice Theresa.
MATT - Just know that them dudes are foul. They took advantage of me and they know it. How they gonna just string people along. It aint fair and it aint right.
THERESA - Well I am sorry for you man. I know some of the Alphas and they don't seem like the type to do that to a person which is why I am so surprised. If you want, I can ask some questions for you. I'm dating one of them now.
MATT - Could you? That would be great. Its not like I was trying to be an Alpha or whatever before. But once I got the news, I mean, hey, I thought about it.
THERESA - Sure, I will.
MATT - Aight gotta go. Peace.
THERESA thinks - Damn!
(She hangs up and starts to walk into the other room until WILLIE meets her in this room.)
THERESA - Oh hey, I was just coming out.
WILLIE - Busy?
THERESA - Oh naw, just hanging up. What's going on?
WILLIE - I need to talk to you about something important.
THERESA - Oh yeah? What's going on? What's the dirt?
(THERESA laughs.)
WILLIE - Actually, no laughing matter. Kind of serious.
THERESA - Really? Dag, what happened?
(WILLIE sits on the bed.)
WILLIE - I need to talk to you about your committment, or lack thereof I should say, to DST.
MELINDA FERGUSON - You will do whatever I say young lady! Now apologize to Katrice, PJ and the rest of this chapter right now or else!
OCTAVIA thinks - Oh shit!
MONA - Do I have to?
MONA - Okay okay I'm sorry but mom you don't understand! You have no idea!
MELINDA FERGUSON - No idea about what Mona?
MONA - No idea what its like living through what they put me through! You have no idea what its like to be the outcast on campus!
PJ - What!
MONA - Mom, they've never extended me any love since I became an AKA! Everyone on campus laughs at me! Everyone thinks I didn't deserve my letters and I had nothing to do with that!
SYLVIA - That's not true.
MONA - Yes it is and you know it! Do you know how it feels to walk into a room of Greeks and have the conversation stop! Every time I walk in! PJ says she only has 2 other line sisters!
PJ - Because I do! You're not my line sister! You weren't on line with me!
MONA - See, she admits it! She's not even trying to hide it!
APRIL - Now look Mona, you have to...
MONA - No you wait... see Mom, you don't know! They won't let me speak up and participate! They won't let me step! They won't let me vote! They won't let me be a part!
SYLVIA - That's not true! You could've done all those things!
MONA - Stop lying! That's a lie and you know it! I can't do any of those things because yall have been out to get me since day one! Nobody here likes me and you've all made that very well known!
PJ - I know I have and I aint ashamed to say it!
MONA - And everyone else feels the exact same way! Everybody hates me and I didn't even do anything!
(MONA starts to get emotional.)
MONA - Who did I kill? Who did I steal from? Why does everybody hate me like I murdered somebody! Why does everyone treat me like an outcast!
MONA - All I wanted was to be a part of the sisterhood! All I wanted was to make my mommy proud! All I wanted was the bond that to me is the most important thing in the world!
MONA - All I want is a sisterhood that can...
(A tear falls from MONA's eye and she speaks much quieter.)
MONA - ...all I ever wanted was to belong. And now...
(MONA starts to cry.)
MONA - I can't even have that... and now...
(She turns to look directly at her mother with eyes full of tears.)
MONA - my own mother is against me!
(MONA turns and runs out of the room crying furiously. The door closes itself behind her.)
MELINDA FERGUSON - My baby! Mona darling I'm sorry! Wait...
(SOROR FERGUSON rushes out the door.)
DEXTER sees GREGG in the bathroom and approaches him about JAHANNA.
(DEXTER gets in GREGG's face. GREGG backs up.)
DEXTER - I aint stupid and I see through your player shit Gregg!
GREGG - Dexter I don't know what you're talking about! I just saw Jahanna outside two minutes ago! What the fuck are you talking about!
DEXTER - Yeah right! Let me tell you something, you stay your slimy ass away from Jahanna! Don't let me see you talking to her again!
GREGG - Nigga you can't tell me that! She's a grown woman!
DEXTER - Oh yeah? I can tell you whatever the hell I want because...
(DEXTER tries to grab GREGG's shirt just as GREGG remembers that he has MIKE's cane in his back pocket.)
DEXTER - ...if you don't stay away from my sister...
(GREGG reaches into his back pocket. MIKE's cane is sticking out of it by the hook. GREGG grabs it and pulls it out of his pocket as DEXTER pushes him against the wall.)
DEXTER - ...I swear to Go...
(The bathroom door opens. DEXTER turns around just as GREGG begins to swing the cane toward DEXTER's head.)
TERRANCE - Hi... again. Um... Gregg right?
(GREGG pulls the cane back just before hitting DEX and puts it behind his back.)
GREGG - Uh... yeah I'm Gregg. Who are you?
(DEXTER backs away and goes to wash his hands.)
TERRANCE - Hi I'm... um Terrance.
DEXTER - We'll talk again G my man!
(DEXTER grabs a paper towel and stares at GREGG as he walks out. GREGG doesn't respond but he spins MIKE's cane from behind him to the front while staring back at DEXTER. As the bathroom door closes on DEXTER leaving, GREGG returns the cane to his back pocket.)
GREGG thinks - Okay... what the hell was that about?
GREGG - What did you say your name was?
TERRANCE - Oh... Terrance.
GREGG thinks - Dexter has flipped his lid! How's he gonna say that...
GREGG - Terrance.. do I know you or something?
TERRANCE - Well no, but I was hoping to get to know you. A little better.
GREGG thinks - ... to Jahanna and... Get to know me, huh?
GREGG - Get to know... huh?
TERRANCE - I wanted to know if you had a few minutes. I didn't want to be a bother.
GREGG - I got a few minutes, why?
GREGG thinks - Who is this dude?
(GREGG washes his hands again.)
TERRANCE - I was just in here and I saw you a few minutes ago so I decided to stop back to see if we could talk for a few mintues.
GREGG - About what?
(GREGG grabs a paper towel while he looks TERRANCE up and down.)
TERRANCE thinks - Oooooh Max is gonna kill me!
WILLIE has stopped by THERESA's house to discuss her committment to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
(WILLIE sits on the bed.)
WILLIE - I need to talk to you about your committment, or lack thereof I should say, to DST.
(THERESA leans against her desk.)
WILLIE - Sorors, including myself are very concerned because of your committment.
THERESA - My committment?
WILLIE - Yes. We don't feel like you're giving it your all.
THERESA - My all?
WILLIE - Yeah. You seem distracted right now. I don't know. You seem different. I can't put my finger on it but it definitely has me concerned.
THERESA - And sorors too.
WILLIE - Yeah. Its been mentioned.
THERESA - Oh yeah? Well tell me how has it been mentioned. What exactly are sorors saying?
WILLIE - Now T, don't get defensive okay? Nobody is accusing you of anything. I'm here because me along with sorors who love you are concerned.
THERESA - Concerned enough to talk when I'm not even there to defend myself.
WILLIE - That was your choice to not be there.
WILLIE - All I am saying is that you are showing signs that concern us and I want to find out if you're okay. If everything is not okay, then make sure we take care of it. Nip it before it becomes an issue.
THERESA - Oh really now? So you and the chapter are a bunch of psychologists now huh? Find out what's wrong with Theresa.
WILLIE - Come on T, I never said that.
THERESA - Then why don't you say it. Because that's what this is really about isn't it?
WILLIE - What? What are you talking about?
(THERESA laughs and gets up to walk toward the window.)
THERESA - You know Willie, you're something else. You know that? You really are.
WILLIE - What?
THERESA - Why don't you just come out and say it.
WILLIE - Say what Theresa?
THERESA - You're so jealous of me it makes you sick.
WILLIE - Jealous? What!
THERESA - Willie, you know good and well that all that you've accomplished here at Ahpla has been because of me. You're the person out front but I'm the worker. I make you shine and you know it.
WILLIE - You have really lost it this time. I mean really.
THERESA - Oh yeah? You're so afraid that now that I'm a soror I may take up some of your shine, it scares the crap out of you.
WILLIE - Theresa, you know darn well I don't care about no shine or whatever. And I'm surprised you would even go there. Why don't you just be honest and own up to the shabby job you've been doing as a Delta.
WILLIE - You've not come to any community service projects, you missed one meeting already...
THERESA - Yo hold up hold up. I was just on the phone just now with the national office trying to get some information for your ass!
WILLIE - Information? What information?
THERESA - There's some brand new projects that I saw on the national website that I want us to do but we gotta fill out some paperwork first and register. I was doing that for you and gonna give you the credit. I just hung up with them like two seconds ago.
WILLIE - What about missing the chapter meeting that you missed.
THERESA - I told you already, I had a make up exam and I had to take it at that time. How many times do I have to tell you that?
WILLIE - What about your room?
THERESA - My room?
WILLIE - You don't have a stich of para anywhere in here. I mean, most neos have their entire lives painted red and white when they cross.
THERESA - I'm not most sorors. Just because I don't like to dress myself in the robe every single day, now my committment is in question?
WILLIE - You give the impression that you can take it or leave it.
THERESA - Is this a character assessment or a character assassination?
WILLIE - Neither. This is one friend, soror, speaking to another.
THERESA - Could've fooled me.
WILLIE - Look, I don't know where you came up with this jealousy thing but that is the farthest thing from the truth. I don't care about accolades, I never have. All I care about is doing a good job.
THERESA - And there's no way you could do that without me. Face it.
(WILLIE sighs and gets up.)
WILLIE - Fine. Believe what you want Theresa.
(WILLIE starts to walk out.)
THERESA - And you can tell the rest of the sorors that they can all mind their own...
(WILLIE slams the door as she leaves.)
THERESA thinks - business.
(THERESA walks to her bed and sits down. She grabs a pillow and holds it to herself, hugging it.)
THERESA thinks - Why in the world did I do this?
TERRANCE - I was just in the bathroom a few minutes ago so I decided to stop back to see if we could talk for a few minutes.
GREGG - About what?
(GREGG grabs a paper towel while he looks TERRANCE up and down.)
TERRANCE thinks - Oooooh Max is gonna kill me!
TERRANCE - About my interest in your fraternity.
GREGG thinks - Aw damn!
GREGG - You've got an interest in Kappa huh?
TERRANCE - Uh... yes. I want to be able to do some research and I really wanted to know where to go.
GREGG - Fair enough.
(GREGG starts to walk out of the bathroom.)
GREGG - Follow me.
(TERRANCE follows GREGG out.)
GREGG - What did you say your name was again?
TERRANCE - Terrance.
GREGG - Right right, Terrance. I gotta remember that. Terrance.
TERRANCE - Yeah, Terrance.
GREGG - Okay Terrance. Um, can you tell me what you know so far about the fraternity?
TERRANCE - I can't say that I know all that I am supposed to know. I have a good friend who is going to become a member of another fraternity. So as I watched him learn about that organization, I just figured things would be at least similar to pursue this organization.
GREGG - Maybe. It depends.
TERRANCE - Oh okay.
GREGG - Everybody is different. In fact, some chapters even vary. So the requirement for my bros here may differ slightly to the requirements of my bros at Amgis or FAMU or Morehouse or whatever.
TERRANCE - Really? I would never guess that.
GREGG - I mean, not a great deal but you never know. That's why its good to ask. You're doing the right thing.
(TERRANCE smiles.)
TERRANCE - Oh good. I was so nervous, I didn't know and I didn't want to disrespect in any way, ya know? I heard that happens a lot.
GREGG - It does sometimes, but mostly from people who really don't know. So you can't really hold them accountable. Like, lots of times freshmen will say things to Greeks or do our call, throw our sign or whatever because they don't know any better. All you do is correct that.
GREGG - But when people who should know better come out their face and say some stupid shit, well you know, we have to correct that too. Know what I'm sayin'?
(TERRANCE laughs.)
TERRANCE - I can imagine. Can I ask you another question?
GREGG - Yeah.
TERRANCE - The other dude that was in the bathroom. He's a Que right?
GREGG - Yeah.
TERRANCE - How are relations between frats at Ahpla. Yall get along pretty good huh?
GREGG thinks - Hmph!
(GREGG laughs to himself.)
GREGG - Yeah, that's my boy.
TERRANCE - I thought so. I saw yall talking and I really didn't want to interrupt or anything. I hope I didn't.
GREGG - Naw, its cool.
TERRANCE - I think its great that the Greeks get along well and don't have a lot of the drama that you see at other campuses. I think that is so cool. And if this is waht I decide to do and you guys accept me, I hope that remains the same. Like I said, I have a friend who is trying out for another frat right now.
GREGG - What's his name?
(TERRANCE pauses.)
TERRANCE - Well, I don't think I can say. Ya know?
GREGG - You can tell me...
(GREGG stops walking and smiles.)
GREGG - ...what difference does it make?
TERRANCE - Well... I never told him that I was even interested in anything like this. I want him to find out at the right time. We're really good friends and I think he was hurt that I didn't want to do what he is doing now. It isn't that I didn't want to do it, its just that I didn't want to do Alpha Ph... ooops.
(GREGG smiles.)
GREGG - You might as well go head and tell me his name now. The cat is out the bag.
TERRANCE - Please don't make me tell you. I'd really rather not.
(GREGG loses his smile.)
GREGG - Fair enough. It doesn't matter anyway.
(GREGG gets to the office of The Sands.)
GREGG - Come here, I got some guys I want you to meet.
(GREGG walks in, TERRANCE follows.)
MIKE - G, you should see this letter man! Its a masterpiece now!
XAVIER - Shut up!
(MIKE laughs.)
MIKE - I'm serious! I don't know if April is gonna cry from heartbreak or laughter!
GREGG - Yo bros, I got somebody I want yall to meet. This is Terrance. Terrance this is Xavier and that's Mike.
MIKE - Hey man, what's up?
XAVIER - Nice to meet you.
TERRANCE - Nice to meet you too.
(GREGG turns to TERRANCE.)
GREGG - Hey listen, what I really want you to do is spend a few moments talking with Mike.
GREGG - Mike just pledged so he is younger than Xavier and I. He is the newest Greek on the yard practically. He can explain to you some things that you need to know and you can take it from there.
TERRANCE - Thank you Gregg. I really appreciate your help man.
(GREGG smiles.)
GREGG - Just here to help my man. Just here to help.
(GREGG nods to MIKE. MIKE comes over.)
MIKE - Wassup?
GREGG - Can you do me a favor? Step out into the hallway with Terrance here and explain briefly some of the criteria and requirements of the chapter.
MIKE - Sure, no problem. Come on Terrance.
(They start to walk out.)
GREGG - Oh Mike, one more thing.
(MIKE stops and comes back.)
MIKE - Wassup?
(GREGG reaches into his back pocket and grabs MIKE's cane. He hands it back to MIKE.)
GREGG whispers - Find out who his friend is who's pledging Alpha. Find out by any means necessary.
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